Case ref

City or Parish


Date Received

Nature of Complaint

Status / updates





The complainant alleges an unspecified meeting was run with no procedure and allowed anyone to speak.

This complaint was reviewed by the Deputy Monitoring Officer. As no details were provided on the meeting or Councillor(s) involved, and no contact details were received, the Deputy Monitoring Officer was unable to assess this complaint further. Closed.





York resident


The complainant alleges the Councillor failed to respond, failed to rectify the alleged disability discrimination they had suffered and that was disrespectful under the Code.

This complaint falls under paragraph 5 of the complaints handling process. It will therefore be referred to a JSC Assessment Sub-Committee for assessment.


Views of the IP sought.


The complaint was taken to an Assessment Sub-Committee on 23rd July 2024. In accordance with the published procedure for handling Code of Conduct complaints, the Assessment Sub-Committee concluded that the matters complained of are not capable of constituting a breach of the Member Code of Conduct as there was no evidence of disrespect within the meaning of the Code and the complaint was consequently not in scope. Complaint closed, parties notified.




Member of the public


The complainant alleges the Councillor breached the code of conduct by taking part in a discussion at a Parish Council meeting in which the Councillor may have had an interest. The complainant also alleges the Parish Council minutes were wrongfully amended.


This complaint is currently being assessed by the Deputy Monitoring Officer.


Views of the IP sought.


A decision has been made to not refer the complaint to investigation as the matters complained of are not seen to pass the threshold to constitute a breach of the code. Parties notified. Complaint closed.






The complainant alleges the Councillor breached the code of conduct in a post made online whilst acting in their capacity as Councillor. The post is allegedly defamatory, fails to treat others with respect, is an attempt to bully and intimidate and brings the council into disrepute.

This complaint falls under paragraph 5 of the complaints handling process. It will therefore be referred to a JSC Sub Committee for assessment.


Views of the IP sought.


The complaint was taken to an Assessment Sub-Committee on 23rd July 2024. In accordance with the published procedure for handling Code of Conduct complaints, the Assessment Sub-Committee concluded that the comments posted by the subject member on social media fell within the acceptable parameters of political debate and consequently did not breach of the Member Code of Conduct. No further action will be taken. Complaint closed, parties notified.




Member of the public


The complainant alleges the Councillor breached the code of conduct by breaching the complainant’s confidentiality.

This complaint is currently being assessed by the Deputy Monitoring Officer.


Views of the IP sought.


Having considered the views of the Independent Person, the DMO decided that no further action should be taken. The DMO took the following into account when assessing the complaint:

·         whether there are alternative, more appropriate, remedies that should be explored first (10b)

·         whether an investigation would be in the public interest (10e) and

·         whether the same complaint has been submitted and accepted previously (10g).